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Monday, October 26, 2009

Readers submit their own Walia scandal articles to Gondo, Herald-Trib, are told to go away

When I published the article entitled How to write your own Walia scandal story, it was intended as a deliberate and outrageously voiced jab at the local print media for continuing to fail at their very basic mandate, to wit: to report the news and to inform their readership.

What I didn't expect was that any readers would actually take me up on the challenge.

Two readers did, working independently. They both took the core elements available on Venice Florida! dot com, gathered additional material, and did their own interviews. Before submitting the articles to Venice Florida! dot com, they shopped them to the two local print newspapers for hopeful publication.

Both women writers (neither of whom have I yet to actually meet in person) claim they encountered a hostile barrage of denials from Greg Giles at the Gondolier. Giles made it clear that he believed that if the stories were not written entirely from the perspective of his favored candidate, the stories could not possibly be fair and balanced (a la Fox News). Those weren't Giles' exact words, but the message was clear to its recipients: Go away and leave me alone, I barely have a job at a barely-existing newspaper and if this shitpile collapses, I don't think I can find anyone else who will hire me.

The irony here is that Giles (seen at the right side of photo, being confronted by Venice Taxpayers League prez Gary Budway at a recent campaign event) has claimed to me that I am biased while remaining clear that his straight news coverage at the Gondo is unbiased.

I am biased. I am partisan. I never claimed to be otherwise. It's a deliberate attempt to bring some balance into an extremely biased media environment that claims to be otherwise. As to this new Gondo/Fox News philosophical merger in the Gondo's bogus claim to be fair and balanced, I have a few rude Monty Python quotes that spring to mind. Some Shakespeare insults as well.

I'm not saying it is wrong to be biased. It is genuinely and transparently dishonest to be so heavily biased as the Gondo has become while claiming to be unbiased. It's a lie and the paper is fooling no one.

Victor Hull at the Herald-Tribune, after being offered a couple of inches-thick stacks of papers from the pair of women, reportedly stated that he needed more info from them about the nature of the documents. God forbid he should actually have to glance at a stack of docs.

So, I am led to believe that the research department at the Herald-Tribune is unaware of the existence of the internet, this web site, or the clerk of court. Either that, or Hull is just too lazy to attempt to understand the story or he's too lazy to make a few phone calls to validate any of it or he's too lazy to tell one of his staffers to make a few phone calls to validate it.

Another possiblity, one that I am beginning to give more and more credence to, is that William Randolph Hearst has risen from the grave, bought both papers, and, like his famous missive about Billy Graham so many years ago, has sent two-word telegrams to both papers: "Puff Walia!"

The latter theory makes more sense than anything else. It means that both papers are under orders from a highly influential and powerful man to deny readers any meaningful insight as to who the stealthed-out CQG is asking you to vote for.

Please: do not tell me the CQG is not in this. I was at the VASI forum. I watched the temporarily dethroned King of Venice, land development attorney E.G. 'Dan' Boone, as he lovingly gazed at his best hopes to regain his throne: candidates Emilio Carlesimo and Carlesimo's running mate, Batshiat Crazy Harry Walia. If these two get in, it's Happy Days Are Here Again time at the Boone, Boone, Boone, Dewy, Cheetham, and Howe law firm, which in turn means that the treasury looting will begin again under the guise of heading towards prosperity.

The way Dan Boone was gazing at retired fireman Carlesimo could only mean one of two things: that Boone was having a near-rapturous religious experience in his ongoing worship of green bits of paper, or he has turned gay late in life and he totally wants a wet weekend with a guy who knows his way around a fire hose.

I'm not exaggerating for the sake of humor here. I don't need to. The truth is pretty hilarious. As Carlesimo talked, Boone, unaware that anyone was watching him, looked like a child at the circus. A gnomish, deformed child with spinal bifuda, granted, but a child nonetheless. I've never seen him gleeful before, and yet the glow on his face as he gazed at Carlesimo was undeniable.

But I digress.

Since the papers refuse to inform, I will do two things over the next few days. The first is ask for a one- or two-week boycott of both newspapers. Everybody calls in on the same day to cancel their subs for two weeks. The front page of Venice Florida! dot com will be replaced during this time with boycott calendar. I urge all readers of this site, as well as leadership of the VNC and VTL, to help the call out on this rather radical move in an attempt to make the newspapers aware that their readership are indeed NOT IDIOTS as their editors seem to think.

The other is that I will be running the two articles written by readers that were intended for publication in the Gondo and the Herald-Tribune. If the Herald-Trib or the Gondo actually wants to take a crack at it, then I will withhold publication. Short of that, a hearty sweet F.A. goes out to both publications for their failure to inform in the face of a hungry audience.

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