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Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Batshiat Crazy Harry's foul odor solution and other great insights from the candidates

Venice Florida! dot com welcomes Mary D. as a new volunteer staff writer. This is her first piece.

Ref: Ideas for council candidates by Bob Vedder, Venice Gondolier Sun, 10/28/09

"While we think this year’s city council candidates lack experience in city and community affairs, they still have many ideas, some good, some questionable. ... Yet there is a lot more to a candidate than ideas. I hope we have laid out enough information for you to choose."

I must have missed all the info the Gondo has been laying out about the candidates. This babble fest seems to be one of the more detailed write ups and it didn't provide squat as to who is qualified. One particular blurb from this article did catch my attention though:

"Because our beaches are rated very low, Harry Walia suggested that we route stormwater into the holding ponds that used to be for treating effluent at the old Island Wastewater Treatment Plant. Harry has had some engineering experience, which came out a couple of times in his interview. Jim Bennett, his opponent, thinks we need to better define what is causing the problems before we seek a solution."

Wow, now Batshiat, in addition to those many other talents we've seen like drunk-driving, speeding, running a development into bankruptcy, avoiding paying for services received and showing off his scary knowledge by making comments like Venice joined the UN for $3500, acknowledges that he can fix our wastewater system with his engineering skills. That's funny because, from what I've read, Harry can't fix his own fountain or sprinkler-system.

Perhaps this next idea of Batshiat's will give us more insight, "to solve the foul odor coming from the wastewater and water treatment plants ... He thought there should be a tall vent stack to carry the odors higher so as not to bother homes and businesses nearby." Maybe Harry can just invent a giant deodorizer to put on the side of the treatment plant instead. I think it would make as much sense. I'm qualified to make that comment because I had a semester of engineering in college, which I'm guessing is more "experience" than Batshiat has ever had.

Can't ignore Jim Bennett's comment that he needs to better define what is causing the problem. Ah, the problem would be rain, Jim, and at times lots of it, and with no good place to go after it lands on the ground. Maybe Harry can control the weather, though. In between his engineering courses, he may have taken a class in ancient rain-dance rituals. Of course, I'm sure there are more problems to define now that I've answered that one. I'm sure Jim will get to the bottom of them before he votes for the giant deodorizer.

Some of the other great insight offered by the Gondo's article was that Ted Koszarski would like to use volunteers as consultants and that he himself would volunteer to do a veterans video archive, and that Emilio Carlesimo would like to have a swing set on the beach. Ted and Emilio were not quoted on their theories about rain and smelly water so we'll have to make a leap of faith as to what they think about my giant deodorizer idea.

According to the Gondo, after reading this pile of crap you are officially locked and loaded with all the info you need to vote this coming Tuesday. Good luck ...


  1. "Batshiat ...acknowledges that he can fix our wastewater system with his engineering skills. That's funny because, from what I've read, Harry can't fix his own fountain or sprinkler-system."

    OK, that was hilarious. I had to stop for a moment before I could continue reading. That's the second funniest political joke I've heard all month.

    The first place goes to Jim Leis. While watching council (one member short) argue for twenty minutes about some obscure wording in a legal pleading, Leis leaned over to me and said "This is like watching six monkeys try to f**k a football."

    I had to leave council, I was laughing so hard.

  2. I have to ask: I know that Harry Walia is a proud Sikh. Has anyone clarified exactly what his ties to the Sikh community are? I don't really know about his background in India and where his money is given, but I do know that some (not all) Sikhs in and of themselves have been considered terrorist or terrorist like as on some Canadian counter terrorism sites. Here is one article about Sikh's in Canadian politics: http://www.thetrumpet.com/?q=3980.2206.0.0. I just want to know about this more--has anyone researched Harry Walia back? How do we know where his money goes and who he gives to? Has anyone heard anything?

  3. k- This is from a post I had on the message board. Unfortunately, I just raise more questions and still don't have too many answers.

    Even funnier is that "Dr" Walia donated $500 to a Democrat in NJ ... I'll take a stab and say it was because Pallone is the founder of the Causcus on India and Indian Americans ... Walia's wife also donated $500 to Tom Daschle that same year under her own name. More specifically, it looked like the donation was to New Leadership for America which boasts a who's who list of supporters. What her motivation was, I haven't a clue. And the measley $500 wasn't even enough to make a wave in the donation waters. There are no other donations to Democrats except one, and I'm not sure you can even say Democrat because Joe Lieberman had already lost the primary and was running as an independent in 2006 ... it was Walia's 2nd biggest single donation on record - for $5000!! - to a guy running for Senate as an independent in Connecticut?? Okay, I'm at a loss on this one too. The Friends of Joe Lieberman had another who's who list of donors but all far bigger players than Walia ... so was he kissing up to one of them or to Lieberman, who happened to be on the Homeland Security committee, to which he was made Head in Jan 2007. Interestingly, Walia bought in to the flight school in July 2007 ... perhaps he wanted to have a friend in a high place while he was wheeling and dealing to bring people from India to train to fly in the US?? I'm sure this is a stretch of my imagination, but the odd donation did make me wonder why a man who gives frequently to the GOP made a generous donation to the competition? (Keep in mind, he only gave $2500 to McCain!) Can't find any personal or business connections to Connecticut for Walia that would help explain the support for or interest in Lieberman. Things that make you go hmmmm ...

  4. Mary D-

    Thanks for the info that you have on his giving, although it provides some information regarding my concern, it doesn't quell it. I would simply feel more comfortable if I understood his ties in India and if there was any giving to Sikh organizations that directly or indirectly are called terrorist such as the Punjab. I want to understand this. I know Harry--he is very aggressive personally. See my post on the 3 Mile Island story about his ravings, etc. His aggression is unnatural imho. Something is wrong underneath the surface and I don't know what it is. I am not putting it up here, but there are other very serious concerns about him that I have that are related to his knowledge/use/abuse of US federal law,i.e., if he ignores it and just does what he wants because of his money, which, you guys are truly rightly stating that he throws around. FYI, part of this could be related to patent, copyright, trademark and other intellectual rights laws. As a Republican, I have to say that the Republican party should not be supporting him. He is a bad egg, and all these little lawsuits which people take for granted add up to a bigger trend. I am not like a McCain conservative, I'm almost libertarian and I strongly feel that Walia could seriously hurt the Republicans in Florida. He's not some cute bumbling rich guy--he aggressive, has an agenda that I feel may be imported from India. We need to watch developments like those in Canadian politics to determine the potential impact. Harry's aggression is NOT related to 9/11--I can assure everyone that he had nothing to do with it down here unless there is something I don't know, but I doubt it--it has to do more with the fact that he is a Sikh, and we need to determine if there is something akin to an organized effort that is culturally related in its own right. He is not an Al Qaeda supporter because he has said that his family fought/fights Muslems. I have nothing against ethnicity, but I think that since he is a first (and in his case only) generation US citizen (joint citizenship in US and India I believe) but we need to get a handle on the influence of Sikhs in politics fast, because they represent syndicates in India in some cases, and we don't want to be importing anything akin to organized crime. It would be nothing to worry about if he was a peaceful guy, but this pattern of lawsuits of his is in fact a pattern of bullying that we need to ascertain if it is pointing to something more. It's serious. Again, I am a Republican--I would want a Republican on the city council, but not this one.

    I am begging you guys, to please keep posting about him--this is very healthy. Just let's everyone check our facts.

  5. Harry Walia is a proud Sikh? That’s funny – Cynthia Crowe (one of his campaign volunteers) in an email to Jane Q Public swore he was “a good Christian” which was then followed by the regularly used threat of a lawsuit.

    If Mr Walia is such a proud Sikh, why does he not wear the Five Ks (articles of faith), which represent the Sikh ideals of honesty, equality, fidelity, meditating on God, and never bowing to tyranny? Oh, wait, I think I just answered my own question when the word “honesty” appeared.

    Two of the most recognized of the five symbols are the uncut hair/beard and the bracelet. Most of the Sikhs that I have met also wear a turban.

    An excerpt from Wikipedia (certainly not the be-all end-all of information but at least a quick study):
    Guru Nank, the founder of the faith, summed up the basis of Sikh lifestyle in three requirements: meditate on the holy name, work diligently and honestly and share one's fruits.

    After reviewing Mr Walia’s extensive public records and listening to his recorded testimony to police, I think, if he is either a proud Sikh or a good Christian, he would do well to review the tenets of his religion and try to do a better job of adherence.
