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Saturday, October 17, 2009

Harry wept -- police report from the DUI arrest of Harbhajan Singh Ahluwalia

Finally, here is the seven page narrative of Harry Walia (aka Harbhajan Singh Ahluwalia, as his driver's license indicated was his name at the time) and his arrest in 1996 for DUI. Walia only blew a 0.116% blood alcohol content percentage (0.080% is the legal limit presently, although the minimum for prosecution in 1996 was 0.100%).

So while he wouldn't appear to be very drunk on paper, Ahluwalia's behavior, as documented by Venice Police Officer R.J. Perry, indicated that the Sikh with the chic was totally wasted. The initial description of Ahluwalia's driving has him weaving all over the place, driving down the center of the road, going the wrong way down a one way street, attempting a turn and then failing to figure out how to make the turn, etc.

When asked to exit the car, Ahluwalia almost fell over and had to hold onto the door and step sideways in order to regain his balance. As to his field sobriety test, more staggering around, losing balance, etc. Ahluwalia couldn't recite the alphabet properly, although that may have been a cultural/language thing, as he is a native of India.

When Ahluwalia arrived at the jail, his behavior was described as "mumbling" and "crying."

Ahluwalia put up one hell of a legal fight subsequent to his arrest. The State Attorney's Office plea bargained him down to reckless driving a year and a half after the initial arrest, this after numerous filings by Ahluwalia's attorney, even though none of the descriptions of Ahluwalia's driving would normally fit under the statutory definition of "reckless driving."

In the court record, although not included here, was a copy of Ahluwalia's Florida driving record up until the date of hiis arrest. That, too, was illuminating: his driver's license had been suspended out of Hillsborough County, although the record doesn't say why. His driving privileges had been reinstated in early 1995. Then there are numerous speeding tickets, polus charges of driving with tags expired and driving with no insurance.

You can read the full report at http://www.venfl.com/features2/pdf/ahluwalia-dui-arrest.pdf

If you haven't seen the accompanying mug shot yet, you can find that at http://www.venfl.com/messageboard/images/ahluwalia-mugshot.jpg


  1. Are you going to dig up stuff on the other candidates and current city council members? I bet it would be rather interesting.
    Mike Dowd, Venice, FL.

  2. Ya know, I've had so much stuff dumped on me about Ahluwalia that I'm having a hard time coming up for air. It's the Gondo's job to go after Bennett and Koszarski, which I'm sure they will do. The Herald-Trib is off somewhere doing bong hits and cooing themselves about how they are not being racist because that is so 1963.

  3. OKAY Venicians!

    A REAL DEAL Guy!

    So which one of you do not have a dui, dwi, or something related.

    Harry Walia got a dui? that was thrown out at one of the saddest points of his life.


    A REAL DEAL Guy!

    Now let's stay in focus here. Do you wish to have MORE TAXES!! or Do you wish to have HARRY WALIA!!

    SO WHERE IS THE DIRT ON THE OTHER GUYS! Is Harry Walia running against the POPE!!

    A REAL DEAL Guy!

    If the contractor stepped on his property and broke something then he should have a problem. What would you do?

    A REAL DEAL Guy!

  4. Oh, I just have to say something in response to Dr Do Little's cheerleading.

    Mr Hansraj - We ARE focused. We focus on facts and have documents to support anything printed on this site. You need to do some research before you start spouting nonsense. Walia knew the irrigation system was broken before he even hired this most recent landscaper.

    In answer to your ridiculous query as to who among us has never had a DUI, I have not. I've never been arrested or even pulled over by police for driving under the influence. Never. I am smart enough to know that alcohol or drugs impair one's ability to make decisions or react quickly and that driving under any influence might endanger the life of someone else. Besides, it's against the law. Why do you ask? Have YOU?

    I've looked for "dirt" on the other candidates. Can't find any. I certainly didn't expect to find what I found on Walia. I was and am flabbergasted at his history and with whom he surrounds himself and, given that, his decision to run for a public office. It all shows poor judgment.

    Exactly what is your interest in the outcome of the elections in this tiny town of Venice?
