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Monday, October 19, 2009

Day 4 of Gondo's web site being down and nobody has noticed

I called up the Gondo to find out why their web site has been down since late Friday (it's Mondy as I'm writing this). Left a message with Bob Mudge (editor).

I asked the gal answering the phone if she had been given a pat answer for anyone calling with a complaint about the web site being down. Her response was to ask if the web site really was down. She said nobody has called so far, she was unaware that the web site was down, nobody on the staff had apparently noticed it either.

I'm not faulting the gal answering the phone. Web site maintenance isn't her job. Answering the phone is.

You would have thought, though, that after four days of their global online presence being not present, somebody would have come up with a cover story for inquiring readers.

Even more telling, though, was that as of 11:00 am on a Monday, not one reader had called up to complain, possibly because no online readers had noticed either.

Still, not having a cover story ready is inexcusable. On a corporate level, this is typical of the Gondo's view of their audience (in other words, another case of Gondo  total fail).

1 comment:

  1. Within hours of writing this, the domain name was functioning again, although now it has been reset to resolve to sunnnewspapers.net

    Still no explanation as to why it went down.

    Meh. They treat the web like an adopted bastard kid brother that hasn't turned out so well, so I'm not sure having their site back up is much of an improvement.
