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Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Herald-Trib [finally] nails Batshiat Crazy Harry for being batshiat crazy

Carlesimo won't openly endorse or denounce Walia, refuses to admit or deny that he voted for Walia

"The police report, filed Sept. 23, is the latest twist in the Walia-Bennett race. Bennett's supporters have cited the report, a 16-year-old DUI against Walia -- later reduced to reckless driving -- and a number of lawsuits and foreclosures he has been involved in the last few years in opposing Walia."
--from City Council candidate's complaint is dismissed by Kim Hackett, Sarasota Herald-Tribune, 10/28/09

Well, not exactly. This isn't "the latest twist," nor was it being "cited" by "Bennett supporters." That's more than a bit dismissive of an incredible amount of time that I've put in to research this very shady politician.

This was the starting point for a series of investigations into Walia's past that has resulted in two physical attacks against me so far, one by Walia supporter Cynthia Crowe, another by Gondo reporter and Walia supporter Greg Giles. Walia and Crowe filed a criminal complaint against me for hurting Crowe's wrist when, according to the pair of would-be victims, my chest slammed into her fist (I wish I were kidding -- you can see the video and read the affidavit for yourself).

That complaint was also dismissed by police as "unfounded." Mercifully, I had a vidcam rolling during the latter incident. YouTube can be a good friend.

Bennett once stepped on my foot. I have every reason to believe it was an accident. He apologized, not that there was any real need to.

Walia didn't like my questions, so he inquired about getting a restraining order to prevent me from attending any more political events as I might endanger more of his supporters' wrists when they take a swing at me.

Bennett once took me out to lunch.

I can't call myself a Bennett supporter, but if I'm interviewing a candidate, I sure as heck have a preferance to getting a free meal over being punched and then later lied about.

Still, Hackett scored a major coup when she caused Batshiat Crazy Harry to pop the latch on his cranium so that she could could peer down inside at the vodka and ether soaked cobwebs within, this when Batshiat stated of Garry Moore, "He tried to burn down my house!"

Did you see the name drop of Attorney General Bill McCollum? Did you note that, as though that gave some imprimatur of validity to Batshiat's ramblings? He tried that name drop with the cops, too, it's in the recorded audio of his police interview. It worked so well with police that they still wrote Walia off as totally unreliable: "He could have paid Mr. Moore but for whatever reason, [Walia] is blaming [Moore]," that quote attributed by Hackett to Detective Ron Perisho.

Translation: Walia is nuttier than Jimmy Carter's farmland.
Then there is the check-swapping scam at a health care provider, the accusations of fraud, inducement to fraud, and conversion levied against him in a counter-suit filed by Florida Flight Training Center, and more.

Look in your own archives for a story I found from 2000 or so when Walia was in a dust-up with a Sarasota pizzaria owner.

Drivers License suspension, tags not assigned, driving with no insurance -- those are out of county charges that show up in his DUI court file driving record as then-recent events (normally, these are crimes of poverty, but Walia claims to be and been highly affluent).

There's more. Much more. Way too much more. Enough that Venice Florida! dot com has officially dubbed him "Batshiat Crazy Harry."

I'm actually debating whether to vote for him, as he is and will continue to be the most fun and inane untamed wildness that I could watch for the price of a vote.

Walia's running mate, Emilio Carlesimo, has stated that he has already voted. Curiously, Carlesimo won't admit or deny that he voted for Walia. There's a ringing endorsement, eh?


  1. If Harry is as you say he is everyone should vote for him especially those who use or abuse your wacky site. Why? Just think of all the fun to be had kicking poor Harry around all the time. Don Imus would love this guy and so should you.

  2. Per Walia's ad in todays' Gondoliar, "a vote for me is a vote for:

    Honesty and Integrity
    Good Business Judgement
    Fiscal Responsibility"

    How, will someone else be taking the seat if you're elected???????

